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Direct Traffic clicky 38, google 104

what on this sweet earth could make such a difference in the direct traffic recorded by Clicky Vs. Google? Clicky must recognize some traffic and move it, however there is also a huge discrepency in Bounce rate, mostly provided by this "Direct Traffic" in Google that records Zero seconds. Yes, ZERO. If it is ZERO, why did it even record? any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Posted Fri Feb 21 2014 2:43p by karenra***

I have been noticing the same thing, GA reporting 74 Clicky reporting 50. I get some difference but its getting worse everyday.

Posted Sat Feb 22 2014 10:05a by clintabut***

Clicky removes bots and the a like from its statics and is more stringent then GA. Clicky also calculates its Bounce Rate differently as it pings the user to see if they are still there and after 30 sec or so it doesn't count that user as a bounce even if they do leave, this is if you have a free-premium trial or a premium account, and you'll notice your Bounce Rate on Clicky is less than others who don't do this. For more on this you can read their FAQ:

There can be a lot of variances through how traffic comes in as "Direct", most of the time can fill a void of the browser not having access/recording where the user came from thus its displayed as "Direct". Each analytics tool handles this different and may be looking for something the others aren't, therefore classifying it differently. Ultimately this is a benefit of running different tools as no one tool is 100% correct and you must take each with a grain of salt and compare to get that "100% reading".

At any rate, I would suggest verifying that your Clicky tracking code is on every page you wish to track (all those with GA).

Posted Mon Feb 24 2014 6:11a by ringo***

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