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How do I change the white label CSS

I would like to change the path used for CSS with our white label customers.

I can't find anywhere to change it in white-label admin.

Is this something I can do myself, or should I email Sean with the details?

Posted Wed Jun 9 2010 3:05a by pluginseo.stats@plug***

Sorry I'm just seeing this now. If you haven't emailed me (Sean) yet, please do so and I'll give you further instructions.

Posted Thu Jul 8 2010 2:16p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

I was seriously considering switching to white label too. However, I have a question...

White Labeling gets rid of the "Clicky" references I assume, so when they visit the website here--they'll only see my Logo I assume.

However, how then do I have them use the ipad app then? They'll know its Clicky then... I kind of wish there was a white label version of the iPad software. For me, it doesn't make sense to go white label if they'll still see the Get Clicky on the iPad app...

Chris Powers

Posted Sat May 28 2011 10:59p by cgmpowe***

With white label, yes everything will be rebranded with your own company / product name. Making the actual "apps" white label-able though issn't really feasible, since each one would have to be approved by Apple to make it into the App store. Also, all of our apps are made by third parties so we don't have any control over them. You could always send a request to Steve (who made ClickyTouch) to make a white label version for you. I don't know if he would or not, but even if so it's just unfortuntae that Apple has to be involved.

When you have a white label setup, certain pages are hidden, e.g. our apps and plugins page doesn't show up in the white label because all of that stuff is hard-coded for "Clicky".

Posted Sun May 29 2011 11:15a by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

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