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Heatmap Not Logging On Custom Website Width

Hey there i noticed clicky is not showing heat map.

I have custom width, just measured it with width tool and it says it's 979px. For height i can't tell as i receive a lot of comments so it expands, or the height is measured before comments start.

Anyway, let me know what i am doing wrong here


Posted Tue Apr 28 2015 10:43p by nightri***

In preferences i have set it up to 800 which previously was 1024 and not logging heatmaps.

Site alignment: Centered

Posted Tue Apr 28 2015 10:45p by nightri***

some ideas..

1. in order to see heat maps you need to be either still within the initial free trial period or else upgrade to the Pro Plus plan.

2. do you have sites with fixed width where heat maps are showing, and not showing on your custom width site only?

3. do you know where to look to find the heat maps? to see the heat maps you need to be on a report where the specific page is identified. For example:

.. on the Visitors page there are heat map icons but they are not clickable because at the visitor report level one line item represents many pages. If you see an icon on the Visitors page it means you can drill down to find a clickable heat map icon for that visitor on one of the pages visited.

.. If you click on Content report, or if you click on Actions within the visitor report, then you will be on a page which identifies specific pages where the heat map icons are clickable.

.. You can also get to heat maps from the clicky analytics box on the bottom of your web site if you visit the web site when you are logged in to clicky. When clicky analytics box is displayed, if the web page you are visiting has a heat map then the heat map icon will be showing (only pages with sufficient traffic for heat map sampling will show the icon).

if none of the above ideas help, you might submit a support ticket to ping the clicky developers directly.

Posted Thu Apr 30 2015 6:10p by edyod***

1. I have the pro plus plan.
2. I do not have other websites where clicky is installed and compare
3. I know where to look for heat map reports.

I just noticed that it's only happening on the home page which is custom width, no sidebar.

On other pages i can see the heat map logging which have theme default width and are with left sidebar.


Posted Fri May 1 2015 1:52p by nightri***

You might check the source code on that home page that is not showing heat maps by doing a view source in the browser.

Maybe the clicky code is tucked away somewhere in a section (probly not the sidebar but maybe something else like a footer) that is also not showing on the home page.

Are you seeing other clicky tracking data on the page that is not capturing heat maps?

Posted Mon May 4 2015 11:26a by edyod***

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