Monthly price for 1,000,000 monthly page views
Percentages represent the ratio of their price vs Clicky's price
Yearly price for 1,000,000 monthly page views
Free version available
Fully responsive site optimized for mobile devices
Live view of every individual visitor on your site right now
Automatic HTML5 history support (pushState and window.onpopstate)
Local/internal search tracking
Goals and conversions
Dynamic goals (don't need to be pre-defined)
Long term ("first visit") goal metrics
Split testing
Funnel / path analysis
Campaign tracking
Supports Google Analytics campaign tags
Create sub-user accounts with access to specific sites
Track visitors who have disabled JavaScript
Track outbound links
Track downloads
Detailed historical data
Alerts via email/mobile
Visitor organizations (e.g. Microsoft Corp)
Twitter analytics - monitors and summarizes conversations about your website or other topics of interest
Email reports
PDF reports via export interface or email
IP tags
IP filters
Real time data
"Dark mode" theme option
Widgets to put on your website
Data export
Affiliate program to earn you cash or free premium service