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How can I know if I've installed the tracking code correctly?

HI guys,
I've wordpress site.
I've installed the plugin and also add clicky to the footer.php

I'm login to my clicky account but I don't see any visits.
How can I know if the tracking code is installed correctly?

Posted Sun Jan 5 2014 10:11a by idanfac***

Go to a page on your website which the tracking code is installed and right click on the page, click "View Source" (or similar depending on browser you're using) and then search for your javascript tracking code. I don't use WP but it seems like overkill to install the plugin and place the clicky tracking code in the footer manually, double check it there isn't a duplicate.

Posted Sun Jan 5 2014 10:55a by ringo***

Also remember that you won't see your own visits to your site in Clicky stats because when you log in to Clicky it sets a cookie in your web browser so that Clicky does not tally visits from the account owner.

If you are trying to test the Clicky tracking code by visiting the site yourself, you need to do it from a browser that has never logged in to your clicky account, or else log out of Clicky, manually remove the cookies and visit the site before you log into Clicky again.

One approach when setting up sites with tracking code is to use one browser to log in to your Clicky account, and use a different browser to visit the web site to register traffic hits. Make sure the second browser doesn't already have the Clicky cookie set or else it won't tally your site visits from that browser. I usually use my main browser (Chrome) to access my Clicky account, and then either use Firefox or my phone to visit the web site while I look for the Clicky tracking in Chrome. Also realize that Clicky tracking is near real time but there can be a slight delay before the Clicky session correlation is done to show up in your Clicky account reports.

Posted Sun Jan 5 2014 1:09p by edyod***

Clicky isn't tracking anything on my site for the last week, during which I've had hundreds of visitors according to Google Analytics. Perhaps my site is not ID'd correctly, but if I used the WP plug in to install it FROM the site, wouldn't that idiot-proof the site ID issue? If not, how to fix it?

Posted Wed Jan 29 2014 8:48a by ***

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