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How to get Clicky (:P) to track clicks on outgoing links?

I thought this was enabled by default and that there wasn't a setting to disable tracking clicks on outgoing links (which was actually a problem for me with another site), but I have Clicky installed on a new site I'm working on and it's not tracking clicks on outgoing links (when I go to Links->Outgoing in Clicky, it's blank).

I've tried watching network requests in IE and FF and when an outgoing link is clicked, there isn't a network request to Clicky.

Any idea what the problem might be?

Posted Sun Jan 19 2014 3:29p by Robotics***

Minutes after posting, I realized the problem. I'm using AJAX to dynamically change the content on the website, which means that Clicky wouldn't be able to add event handlers to the links when they first load.

Is there a method that can be called to tell Clicky to re-scan the page for links?

Posted Sun Jan 19 2014 3:36p by Robotics***

I'm really off the ball today. Problem solved:

Posted Sun Jan 19 2014 3:56p by Robotics***

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