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Clicky & Mobile ip addresses

Just built 2 new websites in php, using Google PPC on these clients, installed mobile code for viewing purposes to the ned user (which I have done at least a 100 times...they are getting clicked on like crazy @ 26.00 per click, and they are not showing up as advertising visits or any visits on Clicky ???? Any help would be appreciated, just trying to stop click fraud.

Posted Wed Mar 5 2014 6:11p by elvis***

Google has an algorithm to prevent click fraud. $26 per click seems a little high though, my suggestion would be to check what you're bidding and make sure you're not going for impressions and look at your bid caps.

As far as Clicky tracking is concerned, did you put a campaign query string on the URL you input in Google Adwords? That is the one sure fire way to make sure you are tracking an individual coming from a campaign like this. As the browser's referrer property can't always be trusted.

Google actually provides a URL builder for UTM campaigns which work with the major analytics tools (including Clicky):

Posted Thu Mar 6 2014 5:23a by ringo***

thanks for the help and will check it out Ringo64

Posted Thu Mar 6 2014 5:45a by elvis***

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