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How do I export daily visitor counts?

I'd like to get a csv file (or other format I can input into a spreadsheet) of daily visitor counts for a site for the past 90 days or 180 day or other arbitrary time period.

Is there any easy way to download this or do I have to learn to build something with the API?

The computational requirements couldn't be that intensive because the dashboard displays this data for multiple sites and even lets me mouse over the curve and see the numbers one-at-time.

It's silly if I can't export this somehow.


Posted Mon Mar 10 2014 10:59a by woburncli***

Depends if you have a pro account or not:

Free accounts have limitations on how far back you can go data wise and you can't run exports.

Here's the Help articles about exporting data:

Posted Mon Mar 10 2014 12:18p by ringo***

I'm still seeking an answer.

I have a pro account. The question is where do I go to get an export of daily visitor counts. I only need an aggregate total per day. The same daily aggregate total that they calculate to display the graphs on the dashboard.

Or do I have to use the API do do this?

Thanks for the link but it wasn't really helpful. I had already found it when I was searching for the answer. I click on a disk icon to export in various formats. But I can't find a page where I would get an export of aggregate daily visitor counts.

Posted Mon Mar 10 2014 1:44p by woburncli***

Not sure if it will export aggregate, but it will certainly export sources with numbers . .wouldn't that be good enough?

Posted Tue Mar 11 2014 5:47a by whitegoldgo***

Hi woburnclicks,

There is a way to do what you are asking.

You will use the API but it is fairly easy to do if you are using MS Excel, because Excel can directly import an XML file and build a nice data table from it.

The API call is simply a URL that you assemble with parameters that tell clicky what you are after and in what format you want the output file.

The following is a template you can use to generate an export file of daily visitor totals for the past 180 days...

(note the h_ttps is because forum doesn't like us posting real URLs)



1. replace xxxxx with your own site ID (look in site preferences for this)
2. replace yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy with your own site key (ditto)

When you enter the URL into your browser, the browser will display a page full of XML code, which you will ignore. Once that page is displayed, do a right click save as anywhere on the page to save the XML file to your hard disk.

Then you will open the folder where you saved the file, and do a right click open with MS Excel (or open the file directly from within Excel).

When Excel opens the file you will see a message something like: Please select how you would like to open this file, and you will choose "As an XML Table". Next it might tell you there is no style info and ask if you want Excel to format the table, if so then answer Yes.

And voila! Now you have daily visitors in a nicely formatted Excel spreadsheet. From there you can slice and dice the data however you want.

NOTE: You can also generate a CSV file by replacing the &output=xml with &output=csv. But I have to tell you that clicky API generates a malformed csv file in my experience (saving the canned clicky reports as CSV is fine, but the API creates bogus CSV files). If you are handy with editing CSV files you can figure out how to fix it pretty easily, otherwise it won't load properly into a spreadsheet. So if you don't have Excel, then you may have to mess with the CSV data.

Hope the above discussion gives you all you need to pull the daily visitors data. If you want to experiment with other data, you can read more about how to use the clicky API here:




Posted Tue Mar 11 2014 5:13p by edyod***

Thank you edyodis! That is _EXACTLY_ what I was looking for. And I'll have lots of fun with the other api functions too.

Posted Wed Mar 12 2014 10:31a by woburncli***


awesome, glad to be helpful. Since you are interested in mining clicky API for other goodies, you might also have another look at the advice of whitegoldgoldie, who suggested you pull up a visitor report and click on the little disk icon to save it. The saved file contains a lot more than is displayed on the canned report.

You can save it as XML or CSV just like the API call, but checkout the rich table of data you get from some of the clicky reports when you save it to disk. The visitor report is a line item per visitor, but there are lots of interesting columns saved without messing with constructing your own API URL.

Some of the other reports also produce a data-rich table when saved and imported into a spreadsheet. Grab that kind of detail and play with excel pivot tables and you might be amazed at how rich the clicky data can be.

Use the pull down at upper right to select date ranges, and the saved data will cover the time period you specify.

best wishes,


Posted Wed Mar 12 2014 8:46p by edyod***

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