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Clicky Not Tracking

I have two websites registered on clicky, the first one is tracking perfectly, but the second one doesn't seem to track any visitors (although oddly, it does track a handful of visitors on one page - but not everyone). I have no idea what is wrong here. The domain is registered correctly, and I can see the source code under view page source. I've tried moving the tracking code from the header to the body to the footer and nothing seems to be working.

The one page that sporadically works is at:

The pages that I really need to work and don't are at:
(Note, you'll get errors on these pages since the links don't have the php variables, but the page still loads).

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Posted Mon Apr 14 2014 7:59a by jlfoste***

I think you need to move the code from your HEAD tag to above your /BODY tag

Posted Mon Apr 14 2014 9:57a by ufont***

Thanks, I just tried moving that on one of the pages and see how it goes. I've had about a dozen people run through this and the two .php pages didn't show any records of people going through it (including me from my work computer, home computer, and cell phone), but I just got 3 hits on one of the page from the UK (which I'm guessing was you?). Really strange. Hopefully moving the code to just above the /body tag will it.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Posted Mon Apr 14 2014 10:05a by jlfoste***

The Javascript tracking code as Clicky instructs needs to be just above the close of the body tag.

After this recheck that the tracking code is indeed on the pages you want and there are no errors in the console from the browser (In Chrome, right click -> inspect element -> console. In IE, F12 -> console. In Firefox, right click -> inspect element.) Post errors should there be any.

Keep in mind that all pages you want to track need the tracking code on them and your visits do not get logged (if you have your IP marked or have the cookie in the browser).

Posted Mon Apr 14 2014 11:28a by ringo***

Hi Can any one HELP
I have a new Forum and I have installed the tracking codes where clicky has suggested in front of the end body tag. I have done a view page source and the codes are installed on every page I also have tested to see if the codes are reconized by testing your tracking codes and it states you tracking codes appear to be installed correctly. But todate it appears clicky is just not tracking. After trying for several days does any body have any idea what I can try to get clicky working.
Thanks in advance

Posted Mon Sep 1 2014 9:08a by peterpe***

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