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Empty Goals Dashboard Area

I created two goals. But it's not showing on the Goal's dashboard area.

What do you suggest. I want to track this URLS:

what is the best setup to do?

I also emailed this issue. Please reply. Thanks

Posted Thu Jul 10 2014 8:49p by lfbizp***

Goals are seen when they get accomplished. So unless someone reached your url, you won't see them.

Posted Sat Jul 12 2014 2:34a by vib23***

problem solved!..

2nd question: is there way to see the uncompleted ones?

3rd question: where can i see the click through rate data?

Thank you!

Posted Sun Jul 13 2014 8:04p by lfbizp***

Re #2: if you mean how can you look at goals you have defined but which nobody has reached yet, then look on the Goals setup page. On the right side of the page is a list of all the goals you have set up. Click on any one of them to see or modify the setup info for that goal.

Re #3: the click through rate could be the conversion column on the Goals page. This would show you what percentage of visitors reached the goal. If the goal represents a click through then voila! click through rate.

* If the goal represents a simple click-thru to some target page, then that is your click through rate.

* If the goal is step four of a five step process, then conversion will tell you what percentage got to step four, but that's probably not a simple click through rate from a landing page.

So if you want to tally up a click through rate, then make a goal that only requires one click to attain. Then you can see the click thru rate as the conversion rate for that goal.

For example, if you have an affiliate site and you want to see the click through rate to the sales site, then you could do this by making a redirect page on your own site which redirects to the sales site. Instead of an affiliate link on your landing page, it would be a link to the redirect page, which would register a click through goal, then redirect to the sales page. The conversion rate for that goal would be the click through rate of people from landing page to sales page.

That's one way I actually do it. Hope that description makes sense.

Posted Wed Jul 16 2014 4:43p by edyod***

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