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Accuracy of tracking info?

I'm so confused by which source is giving me correct data. I have GA Clicky and a 3rd party tool and I'm showing tons of contradictory info. For example I'm ketting information that affiliate links are being clicked within my site however Clicky has only recorded one visitor on the day and it was me testing it myself on another device. Yesterday the other analytic tools said I had over 300 unique visitors that day. I'd love to be able to use clicky because of how much more simplistic it is but I have no idea which one is giving me accurate data. Is there any special tricks or common problems with Clicky?

Posted Thu Sep 25 2014 9:33a by mmieli***

I also see the same thing between statistic programs. I use GA and have AWSTATS on the backend. All of them give you different information. Clicky is really good at "outbound link" tracking for me. But it does show low unique visitors when the other 2 shows much more so I am also confused.

Posted Thu Sep 25 2014 9:49a by webmistr***

I know I love the layout of Clicky and would love to switch everything over but I can't figure out which was is the most real. Maybe I'll give it a couple days.

Posted Thu Sep 25 2014 9:55a by mmieli***

Take one week's worth of data from both GA and Clicky then compare and contrast with raw logs. You should use which ever analytics -- Clicky, GA, whatever -- comes closest.

Bear in mind, however, the types of traffic (bots, for example) that Clicky filters out by defualt.

Posted Thu Sep 25 2014 10:16a by ajm19***

AWSTATS does not exclude bots, GA does but Clicky by far shows the closest of "real" users (I've found).

Ideally it is good to use a few analytical sources for your analysis as NO ONE source can provide a true 100% depiction of your website.

Posted Thu Sep 25 2014 11:12a by ringo***

That's why we are all using multiple analytics tools in the first place, don't we? To have a better picture of what's happening with our traffic.

It's absolutely normal to see stats differences between analytics tools!

Posted Fri Oct 3 2014 11:21a by decon***

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