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Yosemite Issue

Since moving to Yosemite click logs me out and/or spy feature stops live feed after a few minutes..any suggestions or settings I need to change?

Posted Thu Nov 6 2014 8:41a by picksandpar***

Wouldn't think an OS would have an issue with how Clicky functions. If anything it is the browser. During the upgrade of the browser/os (if you did that?) something might have been transferred incorrectly. Reset your cookies and re-login, see if that clears up the issue.

Posted Thu Nov 6 2014 11:05a by ringo***

Not sure, something to do with the bowser. it will freeze on spy with 213 visitors online which seems like an arbitrary number even though after refreshing there are 3 or 4 times that many visitors on at that moment..weird

Posted Thu Nov 6 2014 3:49p by randa***

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