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Campaign Funnel Duration with Static Goals

Hi there, sorry if this is a basic question, but I couldn't find the answer in these forums.

I just setup a static goal with a campaign funnel. I've tested it and it works great.

My question is how long does the visitor have in order for the funnel to be appropriately tracked is it 30 days?

Meaning, if a visitor comes to my site on Jan 1, 2015 as a result of a campaign, it will capture that visitor in my campaign view. However, what if they end up leaving the site, and then come back two weeks later directly (not via the campaign referral url) and that's when they land on the Goal URL?

Will that visit be captured as still coming from the campaign funnel since it was 2 weeks later?

Hope that makes sense! Thanks for any and all help,

Posted Wed Feb 11 2015 9:37a by aircraf***

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