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Is this normal?

With respect to traffic I get from google adwords display ads, Clicky does not show any type of referral information for approximately 60% of the clicks. The referral line is just completely blank. With respect to this 60%, Clicky usually says (incorrectly) that the traffic is direct traffic. Occasionally, with respect to this 60%, Clicky says it comes from advertising, but the referral line is completely blank. Is this normal? Should I troubleshoot?
(of course google usually hides the true referral information anyway, but it seems like Clicky should at least give me a line that says '' or whatever)

Posted Sun Jun 14 2015 7:42p by acres***

My guess is that the traffic is coming from secure sites (https://)

Are you using the campaign codes to track them? If the ads destination URL go to something like then they should be showing up as advertising as the source. (Its really a good idea to be using that no matter what, so you can optimize your ads)

Posted Mon Jun 15 2015 1:44p by resta***

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