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Sub-domain setup


I'm curious what the correct way is to setup sub-domains within clicky? Currently I have about 5 sub-domains for my website and so far I have only registered the main domain within clickly which does track data from all the sub-domains as, but I'm wondering if it would be more beneficial to setup each sub-domain as a separate website?



Posted Sun May 18 2008 9:26p by mafmi***

It depends on whether or not you want to see the data seperately for each sub-domain. If not, then tracking them all as one site should be fine. The only problem with that however is that "Content" in our database only stores the path/query information, and not the domain. So if you ever click on any of your pages or downloads from the Clicky interface to go to them on your web site, it will always be on the main domain you have registered, and not any of the sub-domains that the content may actually be hosted on. It's a big design flaw but it's impossible to fix at this point without everyone losing their historical data for pages and downloads.

Posted Mon May 19 2008 8:31a by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

I'm wondering if there workarounds have been came out since 2008 for this issue.
In my case, I need both. I need to track sub-domains independently and also track aggregation of all sub-domains. Any advice?

Posted Mon Apr 21 2014 10:56a by cliffpesk***

If you have been wrestling with this since 2008, then I bet you already have considered what I am about to suggest... MS Excel (or other spreadsheet tool) is my go to approach for aggregating Clicky data and extending Clicky reports. Export Clicky data to a spreadsheet and you can do all sorts of cool stuff.

Tip: on the Clicky report pages, play with the various export options, as they seem to export different sets of data. For example, the Visitors report exports way more data than it displays on the web page. I think the richest set of data is exported in CSV format. I also like the XML format because it builds nice Excel tables upon import, but there are some fields it lacks which are included in a CSV export. Play around and you might be surprised at how rich the export data is.

Posted Tue Apr 22 2014 5:48a by edyod***


here's a snap from a post by mbadrah on another part of the forum which provides an interesting solution...

I do track them as separate sites but I still want to see
aggregate numbers, so I added one more site in which I track
all sub-domains.

My problem now CLicky is charging me for double of my actual traffic.
Anyone has the same issue?
Any thoughts on better practices to track sub-domains?

Posted Mon Apr 21 2014 10:52am by mbadrah

To Clicky Admin...

I know that Clicky has built in logic to resolve multiple page hits to a single session in order to track unique visitors.

I also understand that you had indicated Clicky is built on an architecture around the web site as a basic feature and it would be difficult to aggregate data in Clicky reports to combine multiple web sites.

I wonder if Clicky is smart enough to resolve multiple registers of page views into a single page view?

In this case someone could apply an approach like mbadrah by logging a single page hit with multiple Clicky links identifying different site IDs, and Clicky would know to only count one page view when it comes to billing quotas.

It's a backwards view that might be doable and enable people to manage the aggregation of multiple sites using site-ids to aggregate collections of sites, but only if Clicky was smart enough to know that three calls to clicky to group a single page hit different ways was actually one page view and not three.

just a thought,

.. Ed

Posted Thu Apr 24 2014 1:49p by edyod***

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