uploading the clicky_custom.sessiom
I'm updating the drupal's module (http://drupal.org/node/1345046). I'm trying to give more information about the users to getclicky.
This is my code:
script type="text/javascript"
var clicky_custom = {};
clicky_custom.session = {
'uid' : '1',
'username' : 'admin',
'roles' : ['authenticated user'],
'nombre' : 'Oscar',
'apellidos' : 'Calvo Vidal',
'gustos' : [gustos,disgustos,tres gustos,cuatro gustos],
'Trabajos' : 'Enfermero',
'Provincias' : [Araba,Asturias,Bizkaia],
'Provincias' : [Araba,Asturias,Bizkaia],
'Trabajos' : 'Enfermero',
If I check the information from visitors I only see the three first options.
I forget to say that I'm developing with a free account.
I need a premiun acount to give more information to getclicky?
I must tell Getclicky the new fields with a special callback?
Posted Fri Nov 18 2011 12:06a by Henge***
We don't support arrays in there, so I think that's likely the problem.
Also, that's quite a bit of data logged for each person. We would prefer if you kept the number of values logged to 5 or less.
Posted Fri Nov 18 2011 10:05a by Your Friendly Clicky Admin
Hello, this is an example.
We only give 4 o 5 values, no more.
If I understand We can't use array in the object like this: 'Provincias' : [Araba,Asturias,Bizkaia].
Posted Tue Nov 22 2011 6:59a by Henge***
Posted Tue Nov 22 2011 8:55a by Your Friendly Clicky Admin
so how can one track data, such as multiple provinces in oskar's example, for future parsing of data by such within clicky?
we need to track users by school, but a user may belong to one or more schools, so we need to be able to associate their browsing with all schools to which they belong. any suggestions on a workaround to capture this, since i cannot apparently do so in a custom session field?
Posted Mon Mar 19 2012 12:23a by sublimelear***
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