Dynamic goals get tracked only once per user
Hi, we developed a pretty unique interactive HTML5 music video and we just started using clicky for tracking the visitors to the page. That's great for seeing the actual hype around it. Thanks so far!
Additionally, I would like to track the user engagement in terms of how often the visitors started and finished the video. I used the dynamic goals via clicky.goal('started-playing'); and clicky.goal('finished-playing'); but it looks like this only counts a user in once, not for each occurrence of the event. I need some overall stats, so action logging wouldn't be any helpful. Am I doing something wrong or is this the way goals are supposed to work?
Posted Fri Nov 25 2011 7:44p by bleec***
I suspect that this is the case that the "more than once" option for goals is intended.
From the help for that option: "By default, a specific goal can only be completed once per visitor session. Checking this box will allow a visitor to complete a goal an indefinite number of times. This is not recommended unless you know what you're doing!"
Posted Sun Nov 27 2011 2:04a by chronom***
Dynamic goals are one per visitor only at this time.
We have video analytics, I would suggest using that instead of goals to track plays.
Posted Mon Nov 28 2011 8:46a by Your Friendly Clicky Admin
Thanks! I'll try the "normal" goals instead and the video analytics (which isn't quite what I want, because we got 20 videos which are loaded dynamically and 5 at a time playing in sync, but maybe there's a way to work with this, too).
Posted Mon Nov 28 2011 8:56a by bleec***
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