Goals: via API?
Would it be possible to complete a goal via the API?
Posted Fri Oct 17 2008 12:19p by 1jump***
The stats API is read only. You can use javascript tagging to complete a goal manually, instructions are on the setup page.
Posted Fri Oct 17 2008 12:38p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin
Ok. No I need to do it via the API, Javascript tagging won't work for what I want to accomplish. I'll give up on that idea then.
Posted Fri Oct 17 2008 12:42p by 1jump***
I am planning to add a javascript function like clicky.log() so you can track goals with javascript events too (a bit more dynamic than variables) - would that work for you? If not what is it exactly that you're trying to do?
Posted Fri Oct 17 2008 2:53p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin
Maybe yeah.. if I can ping that remotely. I'm trying to set up goal tracking for affiliate sales. Therefore I can't put any Javascript on the merchant's site. I need to do the tracking with sub ids.
CJ have a reporting API - I download these reports every day which include the tracking sub ids. I want to match a portion of this id with one of my goals - then ping the API to list it here.
Does that make sense?
Posted Fri Oct 17 2008 3:40p by 1jump***
Hi 1jump2,
Did you get this working for you? I too am looking to integrate Clicky with my affiliate marketing efforts and would love to know if you worked out a solution.
Posted Mon Aug 31 2009 1:18p by Nervem***
Yep sure did. Sean provided a php script here to record goals manually.
What I do is created an encrypted SID which contains the date of the click and the user's ip address and some other stuff. Then I can ping Clicky's API for that IP on that date and get the analytics for that session. Then I ping the above goal api to record the goal against the IP or the Session ID.
Posted Mon Aug 31 2009 1:25p by 1jump***
1jump2, How do you generate that SID and attach it to an outbound url though?
That is the part of the process I do not understand.
I have my own tracking system, but it is not as nice as clicky, so I am interested in syncing up some of my features (the ability to log an SID or an IP as a goal), but I am wondering the following: how do you generate a unique outbound url with the SID built into it?
Posted Fri Aug 6 2010 3:17a by gkepni***
Mr Clicky Admin, did you really implement that? Because this would answer my question here: https://secure.getclicky.com/forums/?id=13372
I tried setting it up like that but the goals don't register. Some times it takes a while for goals to propagate, the alert for the goals would trigger, but the goals didn't show oddly.
Is this for only clicky.log() and not css tags?
Posted Tue Jul 31 2012 7:26a by cbf***
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