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is there a way to get visitors for a specific page with the API ?


I was wondering if we can get the number of visitors or visitor details for specific pages.

i.e. I would like to request for a page like


and get details on the visitors for that . Is that possible with getclicky api ??

Posted Wed Jan 25 2012 7:03a by bhargava***

With the API you can have this information :***&sitekey=***&date=***&type=visitors-list&limit=all&href=%2Fpage1
But I don't think you can use OR, so you must do a second request : for /page2 and make your own kitchen with your two respons.

Posted Wed Jan 25 2012 12:45p by Glabo***

i found out that this just displays the entire site stats not for just the page.. don't know if it's a bug or not

Posted Fri May 10 2013 7:52a by quotient***

nevermind that is correct

Posted Fri May 10 2013 12:33p by quotient***

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