Forums » Developers

How to get Email alert with Site path when Goal is made

Hi everyone,

First of all, I'm glad I found a software like Clicky that represent an excellent value per money product.

I'm writing in the "Developer" section beacuse I guess the API calls are needed for my issue:
At the moment when someone enquire on my website I get an email with their details (name,number, email, notes,etc.). I would like to get in the same email the site path that specific user took (e.g. source, landing page, second page, third page, ... , exit page).

I know I get this data in the visitors menu, but I would like to receive in the same email I get the enquiry details.

Is that possible? If yes how?

Thanks in advance,

Posted Tue Jun 5 2012 2:49a by droi***

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