how to get youtube and facebook as referrers
I was wondering for youtube and facebook...
Is there a way to tell WHICH youtube video has been referring the most traffic?
Or which fb fan page post has been referring the most traffic?
Right now I can only see for incoming links, and cannot see the specific posts.
And youtube, even though I am testing clicking on the description boxes of the specific videos, it's still not showing youtube as the referrer.
Please help
Posted Wed Dec 3 2014 5:56p by HarryPot***
Did you install the Youtube tracking stuff in the top of your HTML file?
Here is the code. Just click "Youtube" and use the "new method"
Posted Wed Dec 3 2014 9:32p by gladiu***
thanks for the reply, I'm referring to seeing youtube as a traffic source
which is different than tracking youtube analytics and interactions on my site?
for example, there are lots of people who video our videos... but what i want to know is which video is causing the users to come to our site
Posted Wed Dec 3 2014 9:43p by HarryPot***
It would be interesting to see what your browser thinks the referrer is. You can make a 3-line PHP script to have it display the $_SERVER variable, and you want the HTTP_REFERER to see what it looks like.
I can't post HTML in this forum, but here's a link with the script. Use the first example. Put that in a file called test.php and then click through to it.
Posted Wed Dec 3 2014 10p by gladiu***
You would have to use a campaign tag to get that detail as there is no way to tell which exact post or video is referring traffic from Facebook or YouTube.
Posted Thu Dec 4 2014 5:02a by ringo***
got it! using campaigns now :)
thanks @ringo64
Posted Thu Dec 4 2014 11:51a by HarryPot***
I am currently using a Plugin called "incoming links" on my Wordpress website, that shows me the exact backlink. It will show you which Youtube video is linking to you.
Posted Wed Dec 14 2016 7:28a by TreeMast***
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