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Bot or What?

I have almost everyday in one of my domain view from China and always from the same IP
It comes from and it last 10s each time with 100% bounce

How do I block it?

Posted Mon Feb 9 2015 12:26a by adami***

It is a web crawler for a populair chinees search engine. They are harmless but a bit aggressive in spidering frequency, I agree. You can block the IP using .htaccess:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from

Posted Mon Feb 9 2015 1:33a by rhoekm***

You could also use IP filtering with Clicky to not track visits from that IP.

Posted Mon Feb 9 2015 11:12a by glencoec***

I looked up the IP address and it says that the IP belongs to Asia Pacific Network Information Centre.

Posted Mon Feb 9 2015 12:15p by ComputerW***

Thank you. I think I will use simple way by adding to Filter.

Posted Tue Feb 10 2015 2:36a by adami***

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