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PPC click protection

I bought Clicky to protect our PPC ads from competitors eating our budgets. We've now set it up on some of our sites but my techie tells me he has to manually monitor it as can't work out how to automate it?

I thought we could set it so that more than say 3 clicks from the same IP address would be prevented?

We have
1) Set up Site Accounts in Clicky
2) Installed Tracking Tag (code) on each Site and Tested to confirm.
3) Set Up Clicky Campaign to Monitor IPs of Clickers

For my man to manually monitor for repeat IP clickers each day, then add them to the Black-list in AdWords, this'll take 5 minutes a day and of course leaves us vulnerable during the 23.55 hours between checks.

Would appreciate advice on this?


Posted Tue Nov 17 2015 12:59p by Optimisi***

You can probably pull the data through the Clicky API

Posted Tue Nov 17 2015 1:24p by resta***

You will still have an issue when the competition uses a Mac (pulls a different ip up every time) as well as cell phones and tablets.Google won't help you on this, been battling them for years on this problem.

Posted Tue Nov 17 2015 2:15p by elvis***

This wouldn't work IMO. Your best defense is Google innate tracking and anti-fraud they do.

Posted Tue Nov 17 2015 4:53p by ringo***

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