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Why is there a P tag within the NOSCRIPT tag in the tracking code?

It naturally renders the said block element in the page when javascript is disabled. I can display: none; but why is there in the first place? is it needed somehow? or may I just remove it?

Posted Sat Jan 9 2016 8:48p by decimosep***

Some people complained about it not being "proper" HTML without a block element around it. I think maybe it was some XHTML strict BS. Hard to remember exactly, this was at least 5 years ago. XHTML is dead though, thankfully, maybe we should remove it.

Posted Sat Jan 9 2016 10:20p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

In my current project it is a tracked visual design bug, as it breakes it at the end. Does it considerably affect the trackig to directly set the IMG tag to display: none?

Posted Sun Jan 10 2016 5:40p by decimosep***

Sorry, I never explained why the image itself was there. It's for tracking visitors who have javascript disabled. It's fine to remove it but you will get slightly less accurate stats.

Posted Sun Jan 10 2016 11:32p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

I know why the image is there. What I meant, is whether it actually affects the tracking (image load) when it is hidden. Likely that's the reason it's not hidden by default.

Posted Mon Jan 11 2016 12:52p by decimosep***

I don't know. My guess is a browser would not load it at all if it's hidden.

Posted Mon Jan 11 2016 10:48p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

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