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Single Page Apps...

I'm developing a single page app, and want to use clicky (in addition to Google Analytics).

I found this great guide for Google Analytics:

I can't find the equivalent for Clicky though.

Here's a simplified version of what I'm doing...

I'm manually changing the url like this:

window.history.pushState({}, "", new_url);

Then I'll do this for Google analytics:

ga('set', 'page', new_url);
ga('send', 'pageview');

Is the equivalent of that for clicky just this:


Thanks for the help!

Posted Mon Dec 5 2016 12:52a by MagicM***


I like to use the second argument for more information:

clicky.log( new_url, 'clicked Sort by Title' );

I just converted several of my projects to AngularJS. I had to sprinkle clicky.log() calls everywhere to log the actions.

Posted Thu Dec 8 2016 12:03a by gladiu***

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