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Tag limits based on plans?

2 Questions:
Is it possible to increase 2000 tag limit?
Is there plans to ban based on CIDR ranges?

We are a B2B Business, and have very long sales cycles with low volume. Because of this, we see a need in the near future of needing more than 2000 tag limit. We have heuristics that allow us to know who the company of an IP that visits us is beyond clicky.

Some of the tagging would be reduced if we could do true CIDR tagging like google adwords.

Instead clicky's way of tagging a range 8.8.8.* You'd have, so if there's a block of IP's that are owned by a certain company, instead of banning each /24 block with a *, we could just tag something like
That also means we should be able to then do a /29 block like and


Posted Thu Mar 2 2017 1:56p by spotm***

Case and point of our business sales cycles - we just had someone come back to us after 13 months and fill out a form to do business with us.

Posted Sat Mar 4 2017 1:45p by spotm***

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