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Not tracking all visitors

I have added the tracking code on but less than 1% of the visitors are tracked. When I use the 'verify tracking code' link it says that the code appear to be installed correctly... Why is it not working then?

Posted Sun Mar 12 2017 8:50a by wm0***

How can you say that less than 1% of the visitors are tracked? Do you have other trackers? Your website is pretty new and you cant have that much real-human visitors.

Posted Sun Mar 12 2017 6:42p by jamesala***

jamesalamod, if you can't help don't spam my thread please. If I say is less than 1% is because I know it...

Posted Mon Mar 13 2017 8:04a by wm0***

Do you know it because more than 1% of the traffic is from you? Clicky has a feature that doesn't show you your own hits, in that case. If not, then you need to provide data that's available to people other than you for anyone to help, as we aren't psychic.

Posted Mon Mar 13 2017 1:44p by deliajo***

@wm00 How many visitors do you normally get? And how many are you getting now?

@deliajones Why are you being so rude? Maybe he's telling the truth.

Posted Tue Mar 14 2017 12:03p by skilledfl***

When I look at what Google is reporting and what clicky shows there is a discrepancy for me as well. Sometimes there are more hits in the Google dashboard than what Clicky shows.

Posted Tue Mar 14 2017 12:49p by ***

@gmonroy, here is the link you want: ;-)

Posted Thu Mar 16 2017 6:47p by gladiu***

I have the same issue. My Google and Extreme Tracking sites match each other. Clicky always lags behind.

Posted Fri Mar 17 2017 8:23a by ashleybroo***

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