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Clicky stopped tracking

We've been using Clicky for years. We hit the traffic limit and tracking shut off. I just paid to upgrade, but it's still not tracking. Does anyone know if there's a delay between paying and tracking re-starting?

Also we emailed [email protected] 4 days ago but still have not heard back. Does anyone know if that's still the right support address?

Posted Sat Jan 21 2017 8:01a by newsgro***

Congrats on hitting your traffic limit :) (more traffic = more $$$)

On a serious note, I've tried to write support before as well and they never answered.

I'm not sure that the email you posted is even valid anymore.

Posted Sun Jan 22 2017 4:10a by skilledfl***

I have the same exact issue. Upgraded since I likely hit the trial limit, but no traffic is being registered in the reporting ever since it stopped.

The support autoreply states they're on the road.

Posted Fri Jul 21 2023 7:04a by jsinkwi***

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