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No longer Tracking

My 2 WordPress sites stopped tracking 3 days ago for no apparent reason. The code has been verified and I emailed support with no response. What now?

Posted Mon Feb 6 2017 10:15a by clickyson***

Support for Clicky hasn't been good to me either (they NEVER answer). Maybe try posting in a WP-related forum? That's the best advice I have. Good luck.

Posted Mon Feb 6 2017 4:42p by skilledfl***

Same here. Cancelling my subscription too because click doesn't reply to support emails or here. Ridiculous

Posted Sun Mar 5 2017 7:11a by mjmurphy5***

We respond to every single email that comes in. If you don't get a reply, it likely hit our spam filter, or you sent it to instead of If you don't get a reply, ping us on twitter.

Posted Tue Mar 7 2017 9:26p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

I have also been sending emails, and no responses have been received.
My site has not been tracking for almost a month now!

Posted Tue Mar 21 2017 7:41p by MichaelDa***

I ping'd @clicky in Twitter already; still awaiting responses...

Posted Tue Mar 21 2017 8:28p by MichaelDa***

The Clicky scripts shouldn't cache themselves, but you can force them to be fresh by adding a random string to the end of the script.

In the standard tracking code you have on your site, there should be a script tag like this (though I took the >< things out so it doesn't flag as HTML in this post).
script src="//" type="text/javascript"

Change it to something like
script src="//" type="text/javascript"

By putting a parameter, it can't use any cached copy. I happened to use a t=041720172147 which is the date and time when I was writing this. Every new value causes a cache refresh, which is why I like timestamps for forcing no_caching; the time is never the same.

Not sure if this is the issue, but doesn't hurt. Does your JavaScript console say anything?

Posted Fri Apr 14 2017 7:50p by akharb***

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