Bing ads.
Hey guys.
If somebody knows what should be a BING ads equivalent to Goolge Adwords - *gclid=*
Posted Thu Apr 20 2017 10:51p by sextoyz***
@sextoyzone: I can't answer because I am not using Bing ads, but I am curious, for what purpose can one use the Adwords gclid parameter?
Posted Fri Apr 21 2017 7:25a by drkskwl***
I it's giving me to see what guys that coming from ads are clicking on my web.
Posted Sat Apr 22 2017 2:37a by sextoyz***
Here a screen shot how it looks for me.
So now i want same for Bing ads. I can add different icon so it will show me visitors that are coming from Bing only.
It's very helping because you can see inside each visitor what exact he was clicking on the web.
Posted Sat Apr 22 2017 2:43a by sextoyz***
I see now. But you shouldn't use gclid for that; gclid is just a unique ad link identifier which Google uses to log clicks. There is a better way to get much more actionable data inside Clicky.
Instead of tagging gclid, you should append the utm_ range of parameters (utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign...) to your ad/landing page combination. E.g.:
Clicky will then parse this data for you (see the screenshot link below).
Note that tagging urls with utm_ parameters will work regardless of traffic source (as you see in the example, I have tagged Facebook posts as well as Google ads, and I even differentiate between main ad clicks and sitelink clicks in my AdWords campaigns.
Note that you should always add utm_ parameters behind a # tag rather than a ? tag because for SEO purpose URLs with different ? parameters are considered different, whereas anything after the # tag is ignored.
True, the above seems like a lot of footwork as you have to have different URLs for each ad - especially if you have many ads and campaigns - but you also get more information in return, like you can see which campaigns and which traffic sources convert best and which do not work.
Posted Sat Apr 22 2017 9:27a by drkskwl***
Thank you for that suggestion. It's a little bit complicate for me because honestly i'm not from code guys.
I will show it to my husband, maybe he will understand those options better.
gclid is working pretty good for me.
On the clicky i can see how long each visitor spent on my web. Where she went from home page, which products he visited. Did he use a video of product, did he place something to cart and than left, and other information.
For that clicky is perfect tool.
That info I matching with info from visitors coming from non-paid ads. For example i can clearly see that visitors from paid ads have better quality than visitors from random searching.
However for analyze any keyword or ad no need a clicky really.
It's perfectly visible inside the adwords reports.
Same i want for Bing ads. Inside the bing account i can clearly see which keyword or ad is working better.
However on the clicky i could not see those visitors. So i don't really know what they did on my web. Maybe part of them are bots and no point to pay for bots.
Posted Sat Apr 22 2017 1:10p by sextoyz***
If you add utm_ parameters to your Bing ad URLs, these will show up under the 'Campaign' section. There is no coding involved, this is a part of writing your ads. It can be done either manually (as I explained in my previous reply) or also via the Bing 'automated tagging' feature. See this link for more details:
Posted Sun Apr 23 2017 5:18a by drkskwl***
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