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Tracking of embeded youtube video in wordpress


I got a youtube video embeded into a page built using selfhosted wordpress.
The visitors tracking is working fine so far,
but for the video tracking I'm having trouble due to some jquery conflict.

The page is designed using a page builder and it includes jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.1
Whenever I inject clicky scripts:
• [...]/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
• [..]/youtube.js
the page broke with console errors (which is normal due to 2 jquery files conflict).

Is there any way to get it to work ?

Posted Thu Feb 23 2023 9:33a by md3***

Hi, the jquery script is only needed if your site doesn't have jquery. So just do the youtube.js include!

Posted Mon Feb 27 2023 1:20p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

I tried this option (currently I use this option for almost three weeks now) but content>Media shows no data.
Any thoughts about this?

Posted Mon Feb 27 2023 9:19p by md3***

Send in an email referencing this thread and also include a page URL that has a video embedded that you're trying to track.

Posted Thu Mar 2 2023 11:50a by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

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